Are you searching for "lice removal service near me?"
Well, you have come to the right place because we are the most affordable lice removal service and one of the most trusted lice clinics in Washington state.
Clients who come to a Lice Knowing You® treatment salon will be lice and nit free after one service – with a 30 day guarantee. Using only 100% safe and non-toxic products, Lice Knowing You® uses a clinically proven method designed to rid the hair of head lice safely, quickly and thoroughly. During the lice removal service, multiple lice removal consultants will check and recheck a clients’ hair to ensure complete removal of all lice and nits. Clients treated at a Lice Knowing You® Salon have a 100% success rate at wiping out head lice – for good.
We guarantee that if you are in a school with a no-nit policy, you will be readmitted immediately following lice treatment, often the same day.
Lice Knowing You® Salon services also include preferred “wet-head” lice checks and education on how to check for and prevent head lice in the future.
What to Expect At A Lice Knowing You® Treatment Salon:
- Lice and Nit Free After One Treatment – with a 30 Day Guarantee.
- No Daily Combings. No Required Product Purchases. No Stress!
- We use a clinically proven combing method coupled with proven nit picking techniques that rid the hair of lice and nits quickly safely and effectively.
- Wet Head Lice Checks – the most accurate way to determine if a head lice infestation exists
- Safe, non-toxic, natural and organic–always pesticide free. Never contains any parabens, sulfates or other toxic ingredients– Lice
- Lice Knowing You® lice treatment products are safe for everyone, including babies, pregnant women and the elderly.
- Step-By-Step consultation on how to clean your home to ensure that your head lice problem will be gone for good.
- FREE lice education from the moment you walk in the door.

All Head Lice Treatments include a 30 Day Guarantee. Follow the Lice Knowing You® guidelines and you will be guaranteed for 30 days from the date of initial treatment. IN SALON ONLY!
Don't click on any other lice clinic after searching "lice removal service near me."
“If you are reading this than you probably have lice. STOP READING, pick up the phone and call Lice Knowing You®. I promise it will be the best money you’ve ever spent!”