Mercer Island Lice Treatment Clinic
Serving Mercer Island Families Since 2007

Mercer Island's #1 Lice Clinic
With more than 10 years in the lice removal industry, Lice Knowing You® is the authority on lice treatment in the Pacific Northwest. That's how we've helped clients get rid of even the most stubborn super lice. Using painless techniques and non-toxic products, our lice technicians also ensure that you don't have to suffer to get rid of lice. Whether you're looking for a lice check or a complete lice removal appointment, call today and rest assured that your lice problem is solved as soon as possible.
We're a King 5 Endorsed Lice Treatment Center
Though we've grown to six clinics across the Pacific Northwest, Mercer Island is the home of our very first clinic. We're proud to say that we have been recognized - by King 5 News as well as others - for our reliability as a lice treatment center. If you're wondering the best way to get rid of lice, check out the video at left. In it you'll get an overview of our tecniques, as well as a sense of our values - to serve the Mercer Island community and beyond.
Get Rid of Lice - Fast
When your child has lice, there's nothing you want more than for it to be gone. Child often have to stay home from school if they have lice, which means you might have to stay home from work. Factor in the cost of at-home treatments (that might not even work), and you've got an expensive case of lice on your hands.
At Lice Knowing You, we know that doesn't have to be the case - in fact, the cost of a professional lice treatment typically comes out to be cheaper than waiting and trying alternative methods. Cut to the chase and book an appointment with Lice Knowing You. The sooner your lice problem is solved, the lower the cost of the whole situation.
Fill out the form at right and we'll get back to you ASAP with available apointment times.
Contact Us
Find Our Mercer Island Clinic
3003 Island Crest Way Suite #1
Mercer Island, WA 98040
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We are located on the corner of SE 30th and Island Crest Way, just off I90 and minutes from the Mercer Island QFC. Our appointments can sometimes take upwards of an hour, but our convenient location means a child's lice appointment doesn't have to stop your whole day. Visit nearby Island Books or Mercer Island Shopping Center while you wait.